Poco X6 series is confirmed to debut in India soon with a base Poco X6 and a Poco X6 Pro model. The phones have officially been teased ahead of their launch. They have previously been reported to be listed on certification sites. A new report now shows leaked renders of the handsets which show their design and colour options. The report also details similar features of a purported Poco M6 4G model and has suggested some of its key launch specifications. A 91Mobiles report shared the design renders and colour options of the upcoming Poco X6 models. The Poco X6 Pro is seen in black, grey and yellow colour options, the last of which appears to have a lychee-like faux-leather finish at the back. The base Poco X6, on the other hand, appears with black, blue and white shades. The white colourway is seen sporting a marble-like finish on the back panel. Poco X6 Pro (above), Poco X6 leaked renders Photo Credit: 91Mobiles The leaked design renders of the Poco X6 phones s...