Itel P55 5G was launched in India on Tuesday and it claims to be the cheapest 5G smartphone in the country. The phone is powered by an octa-core Dimensity chipset and supports wired fast charging. It carries an AI-powered dual rear camera unit and is offered in a single storage variant along with two colour options. Itel India also introduced the Itel S23+ alongside, and is a budget smartphone with a curved AMOLED display. The company is extending a two-year warranty on the handsets and is also offering free screen replacement within 100 days of purchase.
Itel P55 5G price in India, availability
Offered in Blue and Green colour options, the singular 8GB + 128GB variant of the Itel P55 5G is priced at Rs. 9,999. The phone will be available for purchase via Amazon India starting October 4.
Itel P55 5G specifications, features
Sporting a 6.6-inch HD+ (1600 x 700 pixels) display, the dual nano SIM-supported Itel P55 comes with a refresh rate of 90Hz. The phone is powered by an octa-core MediaTek Dimensity 6080 SoC paired with an ARM Mali-G57 MC2 GPU with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of inbuilt storage, that is expandable up to 256GB via microSD card. The handset ships with Android 13.
For optics, the Itel P55 5G includes a 50-megapixel primary rear camera unit with a secondary AI camera alongside an LED flash. The front camera is equipped with an 8-megapixel sensor. The phone packs a 5,000mAh battery with 18W wired fast charging support.
The Itel P55 comes with a side-mounted fingerprint sensor and has a 3.5mm is audio jack. It offers 5G, 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.1, GPS, and USB Type-C connectivity.
from Gadgets 360
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