OnePlus Ace 2 With Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC was unveiled in China in February this year. Later the same handset made its way to India with the OnePlus 11R 5G moniker. Now, OnePlus Ace 3 aka OnePlus 12R is reportedly in the works. While its launch date remains a mystery, a recent alleged Geekbench listing has suggested that OnePlus could pack a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC on the upcoming handset. The listing also suggests Android 13 operating system and 16GB RAM on the OnePlus Ace 3.
An upcoming OnePlus handset has turned up on the Geekbench website with the model number PJD110. As per the listing, believed to be that of the OnePlus Ace 3, the phone has a chipset codenamed ‘kalama,' which is associated with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC. The chip has a tri-cluster architecture with a prime CPU core clocked at 3.19GHz. It also shows that the phone has 14.83GB of memory. This could translate to 16GB RAM on paper. The benchmark listing suggests Android 13 on the handset.
Further, the listing shows that the phone has received a single-core score of 1,597 points and a multi-core score of 5,304 points. These points do not reflect the actual performance of the OnePlus Ace 3, though, as the phone listed on Geekbench could be a prototype and might go through future refinements.
The OnePlus Ace 3 and OnePlus12R are expected to have similar specifications. As per past leaks, they will get a 6.7-inch 1.5K AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate. It is tipped to pack a 50-megapixel primary sensor with support for optical image stabilisation (OIS), an 8-megapixel ultra wide-angle sensor, and a 32-megapixel telephoto camera at the back. It might feature a 16-megapixel sensor in the front.
The OnePlus 11R 5G was released in India with a price tag of Rs. 39,999 for the base 8GB RAM + 256GB variant. The 16GB RAM + 256GB variant is priced at Rs. 44,999.
from Gadgets 360
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